Saturday Zoom Discussion
Grad School and Grey Hair: They can go together!
Sydney Lancaster, assisted by CARFAC Alberta’s Chris W. Carson + Tara Vahab.
Date: Saturday, October 15, 2022, 1 – 2:30pm MT
For more information and to register visit
Thinking about returning to school to add to your current education or to start on a new path?
Have you ever thought about going back to school, but wondered if you were too old — especially for graduate work?
These questions and more will be discussed on Saturday, October 15 at 1pm with Sydney Lancaster during CARFAC Alberta’s Saturday Zoom session.
Sydney Lancaster is a multidisciplinary artist and writer based in both Amiskwacîy (Edmonton) and Mtaban (Wolfville). She is currently finishing a low-residency MFA at the Grenfell Campus of Memorial University, in Elmastukwek (Corner Brook) Newfoundland. Her work has been presented in solo and group exhibitions in public, artist-run and commercial galleries across Canada. Sydney served many years on the CARFAC Alberta Board, and also on the boards of CARFAC National and Copyright Visual Arts.
Join us with your questions and stories to share about the advantages and trials of returning to school as a mature student.