Saturday Zoom Engagement

Classified Categories: Archived

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Saturday Zoom Engagement

Artist Residencies: Value and Benefits

Artist Residencies: Their Value and Benefits, discussion with Tara Vahab and Sharon Moore-Foster

Date: Saturday, February 19, 2022
Time: 1:00pm

For more information and to register, visit

Currently we have many opportunities to be alone, to figure out how to survive,  often not able to rely on a group of artists for inspiration. How do you navigate your art practice in this current social climate? Artist residencies create space for development of the inner sanctuary of the artist and open up a door to discovery and significant authentic direction.

In this Saturday Zoom Engagement session Tara Vahab, CARFAC Alberta Engagement Coordinator, and Sharon Moore-Foster, CARFAC Alberta Program + Development Coordinator, will be discussing types of residencies for artists and sharing their artist residency experiences.

Join us, ask questions and share your experiences too.  Let’s connect and work together, discovering a fresh approach to navigating our artist journeys

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