Saturday Zoom Engagement

Classified Categories: Archived

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Saturday Zoom Engagement

Date: January 22, 2022
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:30pm MT

For more information and to register visit

This cold snap has been brutal, and has affected all Albertans. Still, we all know it—along with this winter—will surely end. We don’t seem to know when the pandemic will end, but a sure way out of a winter funk is to plan for what happens when the weather (meteorological or metaphorical) gets better. Lets start dreaming of blue skies and realistic outcomes together.

This is the second discussion based on the Edmonton Journal, which you can find by visiting

Come share your thoughts, your ideas, your wish-list for a post-pandemic future. Let’s think potential, together. Joining Jeff will be CARFAC Board member Sydney Lancaster along with CARFAC Alberta’s Chris W. Carson and Tara Vahab.

Saturday Zoom Engagement graphic

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