Sound Space
A Conducting Workshop
The Sound Space Workshop will serve Calgary conductors who work in schools, community ensembles, and faith community settings. While all conductors are encouraged to participate, the one-day workshop targets the needs of emerging conductors, teachers near the outset of their careers, university music students, and instrumental conductors wanting to gain choral experience.
The event will run on Saturday, September 25, 2021 from 10:00am to 4:00pm at Holy Cross Anglican Church.
The registration deadline is Friday, September 10, 2021.
The Sound Space workshop provides cross-training in the four fundamental tasks of the conductor…
- How can conductors foster a sound space?
- How does vocal tone and expression determine conducting gesture and pedagogy?
- How can conductors bring scores to life through analysis and by taking personal ownership of the music?
- How can conductors combine the technical and the expressive in their gesture?
Participants will receive full-group instruction, small-group instruction, and individual instruction.
The entire workshop will be structured around four choral pieces. Participants are asked to study in advance all four pieces, and to prepare one of them to conduct and receive coaching in during the final masterclass.
The featured instructors are:
- Jean-Louis Bleau: Artistic director, Mount Royal Conservatory choral program. Bleau, who holds a master’s degree in music from the University of Calgary, uses artistic collaboration to shake up what he calls the ‘stand-and-deliver’ choir model.
- Elaine Quilichini: Artistic director, Calgary Girls Choir. Elaine Quilichini has a unique gift for inspiring a love of music in others. Her passion and expertise allow her to guide others toward musical and personal excellence.
- Mark Bartel: Artistic director, Spiritus Chamber Choir, Ambrose University music faculty, Chorusmaster, Calgary Philharmonic Chorus
For more information visit
COVID-19 Protocols
Alberta Health Services COVID-19 Protocols will be strictly followed during the Sound Space conducting workshop.
Depending on COVID-19 protocols in place at the time of the workshop the ensemble will consist of the participants themselves, a small group of Spiritus Chamber Choir choristers, or two pianists representing the choral parts. The total number of participants (students and instructors) will be within the size limit of group gatherings.
The health and wellbeing of workshop participants is our top priority. As the circumstances pertaining to COVID-19 may evolve before June 5, the protocol will be finalized approximately one month prior to the workshop.
At present, our protocol requires that:
- Three-metre distance be maintained between individuals at all times.
- Masks be worn by all individuals at all times.
- A screening checklist be submitted upon arrival at the workshop.
- A well-organized process for arriving at and departing from the workshop be in place.
- Equipment or printed music will not be shared.
- Any individual who becomes symptomatic during the workshop leave immediately.