Poster Artist Call for Portfolios

Classified Categories: Archived

Festival of Animated Objects logo

Poster Artist Call for Portfolios

The Festival of Animated Objects is looking for their annual poster artist!

Drive the look and feel of this international mask + puppet festival with your illustration and design skills.

To Apply:

  • Email portfolios (or 5 – 10 images of your work with the style we can expect) with a lil’ letter explaining why you want to create our poster to our producer,
  • Portfolio + letter of intent due November 20, 2023.
  • First Draft due November 30, 2023.
  • Final draft due December 8, 2023.

Deliverables: Poster illustration with Festival Name, dates and sponsor logos.
Accepted files: .AI, .PSD, .EPS, .PDF
Artist honorarium: $500

Apply with your portfolio + letter of intent to by November 20, 2023.

For more information visit

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