Studio B

Classified Categories: Archived

Elephant Artist Relief Society logo

Studio B

Elephant Artist Relief Society introduces our new community project, Studio B.

Studio B is a gathering of artists, musicians, writers, and anyone involved in the arts. These online gatherings are held over Zoom and are bi-weekly. We want to create a safe space for artists of all genre’s to interact, critique and show current projects. Studio B’s goal is to help people in Calgary and area to find friendship and build their practices.

The online event will be held from 2:00 to 4:00pm with the first two dates coming up on March 7 and 21. Please see attached for following months.*

*Dates are open to change please check our Studio B page for any updates.

Please join the Facebook Group, Studio B – Elephant Artist Relief, to see updates, links to join the Zoom, and converse with other members. Any questions, comments or concerns please email