Casino Fundraiser

Classified Categories: Archived

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Casino Fundraiser

Dates: Thursday, August 19 and Friday, August 20, 2021
Location: Elbow River Casino (218 18th Ave. SE)

It’s that time of year! Help us fund raise for contemporary art in Mohkinstsis/Calgary during The New Gallery’s casino fundraiser! This important event only happens once every two years, and this is one of the easiest ways to give back to one of your favourite charities, with each volunteer shift raising close to $2,000 for our organization.

Day shifts (11:00am to 7:30pm), evening shifts (7:15pm to 4:00am), and late-night courtroom shifts (11:00pm to 4:00am) are available.

You can view the full schedule at

A delicious meal, snacks, and unlimited coffee are provided during your shift. No problem if you’ve never worked a casino, as on-site training from our knowledgeable advisors and staff will be provided. Need help getting there? Taxi chits are available for those who need transportation.

Email for more information or to sign up for a shift.

Casino image