Calling BIPOC Writers — Ins Choi Writing Workshop

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Calling BIPOC Writers — Ins Choi Writing Workshop

Dates: May 2, 12 – 6pm, and May 3, 10am – 5pm
Location: Central Public Library
Deadline to apply: April 1, 2024

In this two-day intensive, hands-on workshop, Ins Choi will lead nine participants through the process of writing half-hour sitcoms.

This sponsored workshop (free to selected participants) seeks to demystify the process of writing for television by leading participants through the nuts and bolts of a TV writer’s room, including: pitching ideas, developing stories, outlining and scripting. This collaborative workshop provides participants with the tools and feel of a writer’s room. Previous chosen participants come from the world of playwriting, sketch comedy, improv, fiction or screenwriting. Nine participants will be chosen through the application process.

To be eligible, applicants must self-identify as part of the BIPOC community. The goal is to provide development opportunities to this specific under-represented group.

To apply for the workshop, please include the following in a singular PDF format:

  • A CV.
  • A one-page cover letter introducing yourself and why you want to be part of the workshop.
  • A 10-page sample of original writing consisting mostly of dialogue.

Chosen participants will receive a Super Pass to the Calgary festival and festival swag!

Applications close on Monday, April 1, 2024 at 12 midnight MT.

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