Youth Art Caucus

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Youth Art Caucus

Paid Opportunity for IBPOC Youth

Youth Art Caucus is a new youth arts initiative offered by local artist-run centre M:ST Performative Art. M:ST is a community arts organization committed to the creation of ambitious artwork alongside and within relevant community contexts. Emerging from a collaboration between Calgary’s Black Empowerment Fund and M:ST, the Youth Art Caucus was designed to address the lack of opportunities for marginalized youth to both enjoy and pursue careers in the arts.

The project is a seven-month opportunity for six IBPOC youth between the ages of approximately 16-18 to explore a diverse selection of arts practices through a series of workshops and artist mentorships. Youth will be paid to participate in the program in the role of community arts facilitators.

The program begins in July with eight caucus meetings in which youth will determine a topic relating to social justice in their community that they would like to address through a public art project, workshop or campaign.

Following the caucus meetings, youth will be matched with local artists who will provide mentorship and guidance as they co-create, produce and present their art project. Along the way, they will also be provided with feedback and expertise of Calgary|Mohkinstsis-based artist-run directors and staff.

By creating a bridge between arts institutions, artists, youth and their communities, we hope the caucus will form an empowering solidarity network around these youth. Our intentions are to break down the walls of arts institutions, making them spaces for people of all cultural and economic backgrounds. We want the arts, particularly social practice art, to become a source of empowerment and a viable form of employment and life path for racialized and Indigenous folks.

Submit your interest by July 11, 2022.
Start Date: July 24, 2022

Youth get paid: $150/session up to 8 and $20/hr for approximately 10 hours per week in the Fall

We are open to other ages besides 16-18 years, so please do not let the age range deter you from submitting your interest.

Apply by filling out this Google form, visit

If you’d like more information, please email or DM @performativeart on Instagram.

Ever thought about pursuing art as a career? Mountain Standard Time is offering a 7 month paid opportunity to 6 IBPOC youth between the ages of 16-18

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