
Classified Categories: Archived

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Understanding the Pandemic's Impact on the Non-profit Sector

Alberta’s nonprofits need a seat at the table as supported partners in the government’s recovery plan. As we find our way through the toll that the pandemic has taken over the last two years, Albertans are relying on our nonprofits to provide the critical services and support to ensure our communities continue to a full recovery and remain a strong and vibrant part of our future.

The Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (CCVO) is requesting five to 10 minutes of your time to help us paint an accurate picture of the impact of the pandemic on the nonprofit sector in Alberta. By completing the survey, you can also enter for a chance to win a Parks Canada Pass! Your invaluable input allows CCVO to advocate for specific policy ideas on behalf of the sector and this survey is absolutely crucial for us to tell the story of Alberta’s nonprofits.

Please take a moment to complete this necessary survey to help us understand the impacts of the pandemic on your organization:

CCVO will use the results of this survey to advocate for the nonprofit sector and to report on:

  • How the pandemic has impacted nonprofits
  • What nonprofits need for the future
  • Investments that are needed most from governments and funders

A full report on the survey results will be release this fall.

Deadline for submissions is Friday, July 22.

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