Emergency Resiliency Funds

Grant Announcement Categories: Emergency Resiliency Funds

Emergency Resiliency Funds

Calgary Arts Development has been granted $2,000,000 by The City of Calgary in one-time Emergency Resiliency Funds. The purpose of these funds is to enable non-profits, including The City’s civic and community partners, to continue to serve Calgarians during the response phase of the COVID-19 pandemic by ensuring adequate services are available, and to pursue partner capacity to support Calgary’s social, economic, and cultural recovery.

These funds will be invested through two programs: the Recovery Fund and the Resiliency Fund.

The Recovery Fund is intended to support the development and implementation of strategic recovery and resiliency plans, focusing on administrative, operational, technology, and human resource expenses. The Resiliency Fund is intended to support initiatives which focus on adaptive and collaborative approaches to business and artistic practice.

Non-profit arts organizations may apply to both programs, which will run through the summer and fall. Please refer to the Emergency Resiliency Funds overview and program guidelines for more information, and contact grants@calgaryartsdevelopment.com with any questions.

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