Original Peoples Investment Program

Grant Announcement Categories: Original Peoples Investment Program

Original Peoples Investment Program

Calgary Arts Development is pleased to release the full guidelines for the 2021 Original Peoples Investment Program. Applications open on March 15, 2021 for an April 19, 2021 deadline.

OPIP supports the preservation and revitalization of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) art through art-based projects that are supported and validated by FNMI artists, community, Elders, and Knowledge Keepers. We recognize and support both traditional and contemporary Indigenous artists and arts practices.

An applicant may only apply for one project or one phase of a project. This program cannot fund activities retroactively, meaning projects which will be fully completed before the deadline of April 19, 2021 are not eligible. Projects funded through this program should be done by July 31, 2022.

Total funding available for this program is $550,000. Applicants may apply for almost any expense related to their project.

  • Individual artists may apply for up to $15,000.
  • Artist collectives may apply for up to $20,000.
    • We consider an artistic collective to be two or more artists who work together in an ad hoc, casual, or informal way, who have equal and shared ownership and accountability for the success and completion of the proposed activities; A group which is not formally registered as a non-profit society, or which does not intend to govern itself like a non-profit society.
  • Non-profit arts organizations may apply for up to $25,000.
    • An arts organization is a company whose primary mandate is the creation, preservation, development, education, or sharing of artistic work. Organizations may be formally registered as non-profit societies or charities, or may operate as a community-based arts groups with ongoing programming and demonstrated governance and financial management.

Be sure to review the full guidelines before starting your application.

If you have any questions about this program please review the Investment Program FAQ or contact Sable Sweetgrass, Specialist, Indigenous Programs at sable.sweetgrass@calgaryartsdevelopment.com or 403.264.5330 ext. 220.

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