Original Peoples Investment Program

Grant Announcement Categories: Original Peoples Investment Program

Original Peoples Investment Program

The Original Peoples Investment Program supports the preservation and revitalization of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) art through art-based projects that are supported and validated by FNMI artists, community, Elders, and Knowledge Keepers. We recognize and support both traditional and contemporary Indigenous artists and arts practices.

In 2021, we received 55 applications requesting a total of $835,694.16 and were able to support 38 applications for a total of $549,996.

For information about how this program was assessed, please see the Terms of Reference for the 2021 Original Peoples Investment Program.

Grantee Project Grant Amount
A Couple of Indigiqueer Cuzzins Academia for the Indigiqueer: Love Letters & Survival Lessons $20,000
Adeline Gladu Post Production Studio $6,350
Alexandra Manitopyes Mixed Blood Girls’ Music Video Short Film $15,000
Angel Aubichon Sanderson Kîsinikowin: Tanning Hides $15,000
Anthony Navarone Tootoosis Sundance In The Rockies $15,000
Autumn Whiteway History is Written by the Victors $15,000
Berkley Brady, Nika Productions Dark Woods – Feature Film $20,000
Camille “Pablo” Russell The Buffalo Way Virtual Tour Fall 2021 Curation/Presentation/Final phase three $14,360
Carlene Twoyoungmen Aiipiikoo and Flower Designs $15,000
Chantal Chagnon Honouring the Voices of Our Elders $15,000
Chase Byron I am now what I was $2,750
Cody Lefthand & Colten Lefthand The Front $20,000
Curt Young Who am I, Documentary $15,000
Curtis Lefthand No Spiritual Surrender: Research and Development for Documentary Film $15,000
Evelyn Mikayla Martin IIPAITAPIYIISIN: Art in the Contemporary and Ancient Blackfoot Way of Life $10,000
Hilary McDonnell Campbell Road $15,000
Jared Tailfeathers Traditional Methods of Making: Dog Trail (Imitáá ohtáóhsokoyi a’póóhsin) – Part 3 $15,000
Jonelle Belcourt My Roommate Makayla $20,000
Kay Thomas Tobacco Tie and Decolonial Gratitude Workshop $4,746
Leonard Provost Horse Nation – Pre-Production $20,000
Lesia Bear Jimmy Bear known as “The Bear” $15,000
Making Treaty 7 Cultural Society Treaty 7 Artist of the Month $25,000
Mattais Twoyoungmen Youngn98 $13,000
Melrene Dione Saloy Flying SOLO $14,800
Mini Thni Dancers Mini Thni Dancers Post Covid-19 Comeback $5,000
Nakoda AV Club Digital Storytelling Through Gaming $11,690
Noah Joseph Favel Spirit of the Bison $4,300
Richard Gaudio Onedream $15,000
Richard Sparvier, Drum Beat Entertainment Drum Beat Entertainment Presents: Virtual Pow Wow Festival 2021 National Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration $18,400
Sandra Sutter A Woman’s Voice $15,000
Sarah Houle-Lowry Animation Residency $14,000
Seth Dodginghorse Recording soft cure $15,000
Shane Ghostkeeper The Cry Farewell $15,000
Sikapinakii Low Horn Self: Sikapinakii $14,000
Stacy Da Silva Dream Stealer $15,000
Tania Big Plume Istl’a (horse in Tsuut’ina) Warrior $15,000
Tara Beagan, ARTICLE 11 Cultural Industry Reckoning: A Call to Action $25,000
Trevor Solway Mikey Moonshot $11,600

Accountability Reports and Year-End Financials

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