Update: Grant Timeline Changes

Grant Announcement Categories: Project Grant Program – Individuals and Collectives, Artist Development Microgrant

Graphic to highlight a program update with branding colour

Update: Grant Timeline Changes

Calgary Arts Development is adjusting the timeline for both the Project Grant Program – Individuals & Collectives and the Artist Development Microgrant for 2023. Information on both program timeline changes are below.

Updates to the 2023 Project Grant Program – Individuals & Collectives 

The Project Grant Program for Individuals & Collectives received an unprecedented number of applications this year: 520 applications, totalling a request amount of $7.36 million. As a result, we will be adjusting the program timeline to allow for meaningful assessment of all applications, as well as providing options for funding instalments. 

The number of applications this year is a 67% increase in volume when compared with 2021 and 2022 numbers. In 2022, the Project Grant Program for Individuals & Collectives received 311 eligible applications and we were able to support 117 projects. This is following a 79% increase in volume in 2021 during the pandemic, when compared with previous 2019 and 2020 numbers. 

For more context, below is a chart summarizing the change in volume/growth for the Project Grant Program — Individuals & Collectives between 2019 – 2023: 

A graph showing the increase in volume in grant applications from 2019 to 2023.

In order for us to meaningfully assess the increased number of applications this year, we need to adjust the program timeline. Our team is bringing on additional assessors to help review applications, and allowing the assessment committees more time to read, score and meet to discuss applications and make funding recommendations.  

This means notifications for the Project Grant Program – Individuals & Collectives will now be shared in mid-September (during the week of September 11, 2023), and funding will be distributed beginning in late September.  

Since notifications and funding are occurring later in the year, we will be offering instalment options to successful grantees. If awarded funding, grantees will be able to select one of the following payment options for their 2023 Project Grant: 

  • Full grant in 2023: Receive 100% of your grant amount between late September – October 2023. 
  • 50/50 Split between 2023 and 2024: Receive 50% of your grant amount in October 2023, and 50% of your grant amount in January 2024.
  • Full grant in 2024: Receive 100% of your grant amount in January 2024. 

For more information about instalments please see our Individual Artist Grant Payment Instalment Policy. 

The added volume also means that the program specialist for the Project Grant Program will not be able to offer individualized feedback to applicants after the program closes, as they will be running other programs immediately afterwards, while also evaluating this year’s programs and preparing and planning for next year. We will do our best to continue to be available to artists throughout the calendar year, answering questions and providing support, however, please be patient and understanding of the Community Investment team’s current capacities.  

Updates to the 2023 Artist Development Microgrant – Intake 2

Due to the shift in the Project Grant Program for Individuals & Collective’s timeline, we are also extending the deadline for Intake 2 of the Artist Development Microgrant by two weeks. The new deadline to apply to Intake 2 is now Wednesday, September 27 at 4:30pm MT.  

Applicants may still apply for any eligible activities, so long as they end after September 13, 2023, and before June 30, 2024. Activities funded cannot be fully complete before September 13, 2023. 

Notifications for Intake 2 of the Artist Development Microgrant will now be shared in late November, and funding will be distributed beginning in December.  

Since notifications and funding are occurring later in the year, we will be offering instalment options to successful grantees. If awarded funding, grantees will be able to select one of the two following payment options for their Artist Development Microgrant: 

  • Full grant in 2023: Receive 100% of your grant amount in December 2023. 
  • Full grant in 2024: Receive 100% of your grant amount in January 2024. 

 If you have any questions or concerns about the shifts to these program timelines, please reach out to grants@calgaryartdevelopment.com and our staff will connect with you as soon as possible. 

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