
Operating Grant Program Interim Report

February 28, 2022: Interim report deadline (no submissions accepted after 4:30pm MT) Download the Interim Report Guidelines as a PDF Interim reports are reviewed by staff for completeness, accuracy, and risk according to the Fair…Read more

Artist-Initiated Public Art Microgrant Program

Applications Open: September 9, 2021 Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted until November 1, 2021, 4:30pm MT Notifications: Results will be sent out by early December 2021 Funds: Grant money will be released beginning in December 2021 Download…Read more

Community-Run Public Art Microgrant Program

Applications Open: September 9, 2021 Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted until November 1, 2021, 4:30pm MT Notifications: Results will be sent out by early December 2021 Funds: Grant money will be released beginning in…Read more

Project Grant Program – Organizations

Applications Open: June 1, 2021 Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted until July 12, 2021 at 4:30pm MT Notifications: Results will be sent out by early September 2021 Funds: Grant money will be released beginning…Read more