Terms of Reference

Original Peoples Investment Program

The Terms of Reference has been updated as of January 1, 2020. Download as a PDF The purpose of this document is to outline the roles and responsibilities of assessors, and to outline the criteria…Read more

City-Builder Program

The purpose of this document is to outline the roles and responsibilities of assessors, and to outline the criteria and processes of the program(s) being assessed. Reviewing, understanding, and committing to adhere to these terms…Read more

OG+ Program

The purpose of this document is to outline the roles and responsibilities of assessors, and to outline the criteria and processes of the program(s) being assessed. Reviewing, understanding, and committing to adhere to these terms…Read more

Organizational Access Program

The purpose of this document is to outline the roles and responsibilities of assessors, and to outline the criteria and processes of the program(s) being assessed. Reviewing, understanding, and committing to adhere to these terms…Read more

Project Grant Program – Organizations

The purpose of this document is to outline the roles and responsibilities of assessors, and to outline the criteria and processes of the program(s) being assessed. Reviewing, understanding and committing to adhere to these terms…Read more