The Storytelling Project

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A photo of Lalit Jain at Everest Base Camp

Lalit Jain

Lalit Jain believes yoga provides an avenue to tap into the abundant creativity that resides within each of us, unifying body, breath, and mind.Read more

Gayathri Shukla sitting next to a mountain lake

Gayathri Shukla

Gayathri Shukla knows the importance of storytelling and how story crafting allows her to be her authentic self. Tune into this week’s podcast to hear…Read more

Adora Nwofor pulls ink across a silk screen to make a print

Episode 16

Join Adora Nwofor for another celebration of creative Calgarians who live their most authentic lives while making our city so vibrant.Read more

A watercolour painting of landscape alongside tools of the trade

#yycLCL March 2021

Using the unique attributes of watercolour on canvas to her advantage, Linnea Martina's intention is to spark personal recollections in the viewer.Read more

A promo photo of Jared Tailfeathers

Jared Tailfeathers

Dipping his toes into all sorts of materials, backgrounds, and artistic endeavours, Jared Tailfeathers continues to push forward.Read more

A pencil drawing of Grace Kelly in process with two pencils on the paper

#yycLCL February 2021

Tuyen Do shares original pencil drawings and paintings on canvas on Instagram including this in-process shot of a portrait of Grace Kelly.Read more

Karen Begg and Adora Nwofor in the Studio West Bronze Foundry, working on a bronze chicken statue

Episode 15

Join Adora Nwofor and meet some uniquely talented Calgarians who are taking their creativity to new heights by diversifying and sharing their skills.Read more

A promo photo of MelVee X with a flower in her hair

MelVee X

Empowering marginalized people and equity-seeking communities, MelVee X is a Black queer multidisciplinary artist.Read more