The Storytelling Project

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A photo of Louise Day

Louise Day

Always writing about meaning and purpose as an aging senior, Louise Day is the president and producer of the Seniors Acting Lab.Read more

Cedar waxwings in process

#yycLCL January 2020

What do cedar waxwings, a golden eagle, osprey, and raven all have in common? They’re flying high in Metrographics’ studios.Read more

Lanre Ajayi and Diella Ocran at the ATB Financial Branch for Art and Culture

What a World Without Colours

What makes the world colourful? Lanre Ajayi, host of My City Speaks To Me, recently shared his work as part of a solo art exhibition…Read more

Toyin Oladele at an Immigrant Council for Arts Innovation event

Toyin Oladele

Filling an important gap for new Canadians like herself, Toyin Oladele stepped up and created the Immigrant Council for Arts Innovation.Read more

Lanre Ajayi in a +15 that connects Arts Commons to Glenbow

+15 Skywalk System

Love it or hate it, the +15 is one of downtown Calgary’s most unique pieces of infrastructure. Tune into My City Speaks To Me to…Read more

A photo of Brad Simm

Brad Simm

For Brad Simm, the secret ingredient to living a creative life might come down to something he describes as "dirty sound."Read more

A photo of a Dorthy loom and bright colourful wool

#yycLCL December 2019

Helen Hajnoczky shared this awesome photo of her practicing on a little Dorothy loom. Read on to learn about her weaving journey and family connections.Read more

A photo of Marichu Antonio

Marichu Antonio

As the Executive Director of Action Dignity, Marichu Antonio is passionate about building community and she even uses the arts to do so.Read more