The Storytelling Project

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Danielle Hanson

An early morning drive in the pouring rain started makeup artist Danielle Hanson down a creative road that has her bringing characters to life on…Read more

#yycLCL Photo of the Month

Calgary's busiest stage arts documentarian shares captivating images from the 2022-2023 theatre season, capturing the grandeur of live performances.Read more

Episode 41

In this week's web series, see Katie Ohe's sculpture in motion, stop by the arcade with artist Teresa Tam, and visit the places we leave…Read more

Savanna Harvey

With a theatre background and an interest in the digital realm, Savanna Harvey harnessed her skills to help artists and arts organizations navigate the shift…Read more

Lisa Congo

Helping others to tap into their creativity in order to heal is what Lisa Congo of Sonshine Community Services aims to do with women and…Read more

Mane Yousuf

YouTube star Mane Yousuf sings and interacts with ordinary people on the streets of Calgary and, thanks to support from YouTube, other cities around the…Read more

Create Calgary: Our Places Still Speak

Exploring Blackfoot places of historical significance, identified through stories passed on by Indigenous Knowledge Keepers, offers us an opportunity to listen, learn and reconnect.Read more