Take the Vital Signs 2016 Survey
Tell us about your city… do you feel you belong?
Marking the 10th anniversary of its launch in 2016, Calgary’s Vital Signs is an annual check-up that measures the vitality of Calgary, identifies significant trends and assigns grades in areas critical to the quality of life in Calgary. Take the survey to lend your voice, identify needs in the community and provide feedback on how to address issues.
Take the Vital Signs 2016 Survey
By adding your voice, Calgary’s Vital Signs can identify needs in the community and provide feedback on how to address these issues. Depending on your answers, the survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The survey has been extended until Sunday, July 10, 2016.
About Vital Signs
The Calgary Foundation launched Calgary’s Vital Signs in 2007 to:
- Increase the effectiveness of the Foundation’s grant-making.
- better inform our donors about issues and opportunities.
- spark discussion, encourage connections and inspire action.
Looking for more?
- Check out past Calgary’s Vital Signs Reports.
- Follow the conversation on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn with #vitalsignsyyc.
Vital Signs is coordinated nationally by Community Foundations of Canada.