Cultural Vitality Fund

Cultural Vitality Fund

When mass gatherings were banned on March 12, 2020, arts organizations, artists, and arts workers were immediately affected. In addition to being one of the first sectors to feel the devastating effects of COVID-19, the arts sector will also be one of the last to recover.

“The pandemic has reminded us how much artists enrich our lives by providing music, stories, images, design, and new ideas that entertain us and help us stay connected, and emotionally engaged,” says Calgary Arts Foundation Chair Dean Prodan in a statement. “The Cultural Vitality Fund has been created to support these individuals and to set the groundwork for more creativity in our city and a more diverse economy.”

New Fund Launched to help Calgary’s Artists and Arts Workers

“Throughout COVID-19, people have really leaned on the arts,” adds Calgary Arts Development President & CEO Patti Pon in a statement. “During many tragic events and catastrophes, artists are some of the first to step up and bring people together to raise funds for those in need. This time artists and arts workers themselves have been catastrophically affected. The Cultural Vitality Fund is one way to help ensure that artists and arts workers make it through the pandemic so they can continue to be there for us when we need them most.”

Up to $200,000 raised through the Cultural Vitality Fund will be matched by the Calgary Foundation with the total funds raised going to Calgary Arts Development to fund individual artists and arts workers through project grants and other programs.

“From those who conduct online classes to those who stage virtual live concerts, artists help lift our spirits and keep us connected during these months of self-isolation and social distancing,” says Eva Friesen, President & CEO of Calgary Foundation, in a statement. “We are happy to support a fund that will help artists and arts workers get through the current challenges and thrive post-pandemic.”

Calgary Arts Foundation is also grateful to the RBC Foundation who came on as one of the first major supporters of this fund.

“Individual artists provide the talent, creativity, skills, and vision that fuel cultural vibrancy in our city,” says Jerilynn Daniels, RBC Regional Director, Community Marketing and Citizenship, in a statement. “We are committed to supporting endeavours that empower organizations to make a difference and inspire others, and we couldn’t think of a better way than by supporting individual artists through the Cultural Vitality Fund.”

September has been declared the Month of the Artist by the Alberta Government. People can show their support of the wonderful contribution artists make to our city by making an online donation to the Cultural Vitality Fund at Gifts of any amount are appreciated and all donors will receive a tax receipt.

Funds raised through this campaign will be granted to Calgary Arts Development through The City of Calgary to support their grant investment programs for individual artists.

About the Calgary Arts Foundation

Calgary Arts Foundation logoCalgary Arts Foundation is a registered charity that was created in 2019 to generate support for Calgary’s arts and culture sector (Charitable Registration #77227 5319 RR0001).

The foundation is particularly interested in finding ways to engage people, businesses, and foundations who believe in the power of the arts and creativity to change lives and make our city a better place, but who may not want to select a specific organization or individual to support. They would rather contribute to an umbrella organization that understands the arts and culture sector and can steward resources where they are most needed.

The foundation will partner with other foundations and organizations who are focused on the arts, creative industries, and cultural sectors to strengthen existing programs that support organizations, artists, and arts workers. The Cultural Vitality Fund has been created to specifically support individual artists and arts workers who do not have other mechanisms to raise money but who have been negatively impacted by COVID-19.

For further information, email Helen Moore-Parkhouse at or visit