Existing Arts and Culture Infrastructure

Existing Arts and Culture Infrastructure

Curious about what arts and culture spaces currently exist in Calgary? Check out our mapping tool that links infrastructure with demographic data.

In 2016, Calgary Arts Development undertook a mapping exercise to discover how existing arts and culture infrastructure correlates with demographic data. Part of Building on our Momentum: Arts and Culture InfrastructureLocalIntel created an interactive map that visualizes arts spaces, demographics, and other data.

Explore the entire interactive map

The mapping was used to determine gaps in professional and non-profit arts spaces and culture, community and entertainment spaces that support living a creative life.

Purpose-built spaces that support professional and non-profit arts activity

Purpose-built spaces that support professional and non-profit arts activity

Other types of spaces (non-purpose-built) where culture, community and entertainment occur

Other types of spaces (non-purpose-built) where culture, community and entertainment occur

ŠŠData for mapping was gathered through a number of sources including public registries, SpaceFinder Alberta and data gathered as part of the Calgary Cultural Plan.

Every effort was made to ensure a robust directory of cultural spaces could be mapped, however, given the variety of space used for cultural purposes and the temporary and personal nature of many spaces, it was not possible to map every space where cultural activity takes place within Calgary.

If a space is missing from the data, please contact spaces@calgaryartsdevelopment.com. The interactive map will be updated on a quarterly basis.

Download Building on our Momentum: Arts and Culture Infrastructure