Meet Organizational Strategy Advisor Jennifer DeDominicis

Meet Organizational Strategy Advisor Jennifer DeDominicis

The current operating climate for arts organizations has brought about many questions and challenges for arts leaders, from looking for a new business model that fits the times, to seeking new audiences to fill the seats, to determining programming to attract these new audiences, and many more.

The Future Focus Program was developed to support organizations in taking on some of this work, however the past two years of this funding program highlighted an additional need for arts organizations as they prepared a path forward — a thought partner who could bring expertise and perspective to their work in this area, and who could be accessed without a successful funding application. Organizations needed someone who was equipped to guide a conversation, help them to identify the underlying problem to be addressed, and apply strategic thinking and decision-making frameworks to identify solutions.

To better support organizations to tackle these questions, to co-develop strategies to move forward, and to address foundational concerns, the Rozsa Foundation, Calgary Arts Development and the Calgary Foundation have engaged an Organizational Strategy AdvisorJennifer DeDominicis of Distill Consulting, who will be available to arts organizations to consult with over the next 12 months, with no cost to the arts organization.  

With a collaborative coaching mindset, Jennifer will work to “co-realize” a way forward with arts organizations. She brings experience in strategic planning, leadership, and non-profit work and has specialized in iterative and strategic operational adaptation. Jennifer embraces the importance of learning in her work. Her goal is not just to identify a new path forward for arts organizations, but to embark on an adaptive exploration of future directions with arts organizations. 

Engaging an Organizational Strategy Advisor is intended to be a barrier-free way for organizations to receive some external perspective support in facing whatever challenges they are seeking to discuss.

For more information, please visit  

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