Nominate a Volunteer Arts Champion
Nominate a volunteer Arts Champion for a chance to win them a free ticket to this year’s Mayor’s Lunch!
What is an Arts Champion to you? Who has given their time, talent or service, without compensation, to promote, support, connect, or advance your artistic practice or arts organization?
This contest is not meant to recognize those who write the biggest cheques (although we love those people, too). Rather, it is an effort to unveil Arts Champions who make a difference to you or your organization in ways other than by making a financial contribution.
Maybe it’s someone who has ushered for decades. Or hosted a party at their home to introduce people to your organization. Or someone who has volunteered for a million bingos or sold hundreds of raffle tickets. Or dry cleaned your costumes for free. The possibilities are endless.
Fill out the nomination form below and submit by March 1, 2017.
We’ll make a draw from all nominations and select seven people to be hosted at a special table at the 2017 Mayor’s Lunch for Arts Champions on March 22, 2017.
Nominate someone today!
Thank you for your interest. Nominations are now closed.