Share Your Thoughts
We are seeking your input for the renewed Arts and Culture Infrastructure Strategy and Capital Plan.
Calgary Arts Development consultants Karen Ball and Ken Cameron are hosting engagement sessions aimed at different stakeholders. These sessions will be interactive and designed to lead to discussions about how you and your sector currently use space and how you could envision using future space to better achieve your programming goals.
Please click on the link that best describes your role and join us for a lively hands-on discussion:
Mid Career & Established Professional Artists
December 1, 2016, 2:00 – 4:30pm
Pan Canadian Room, King Eddy, National Music Centre (3rd Floor, 851 4th St. SE)
Emerging Professional Artists
December 1, 2016, 6:30 – 9:00pm
Pan Canadian Room, King Eddy, National Music Centre (3rd Floor, 851 4th St. SE)
Arts & Culture Space Providers
December 5, 2016, 2:00 – 4:30pm
Pan Canadian Room, King Eddy, National Music Centre (3rd Floor, 851 4th St. SE)
Cultural Leaders & Community Members
December 5, 2016, 6:30 – 9:00pm
Southview Community Association Hall (2020 33rd St. SE)
Community Artists, Amateurs, Appreciators & Instructors
December 8, 2016, 6:30 – 9:00pm
Pan Canadian Room, King Eddy, National Music Centre (3rd Floor, 851 4th St. SE)
Arts & Culture Administrators
December 13, 2016, 2:00 – 4:30pm
Pan Canadian Room, King Eddy, National Music Centre (3rd Floor, 851 4th St. SE)
Cultural Leaders & Community Members
December 13, 2016, 6:30 – 9:00pm
Eagle Robe Room, Grey Eagle Resort & Casino (3777 Grey Eagle Dr. SW)
Note: Don’t worry too much about where you fit in—just come!
If the session for the category that best describes your role doesn’t work with your schedule, please select one of the other sessions we have on offer. Even though the conversation will be skewed towards the needs and preferences of that group, you may find that your differing perspective is an invaluable contribution.
Please share this invitation broadly so that we hear from a wide group of Calgarians.
The renewed Arts and Culture Infrastructure Strategy and Capital Plan report will help ensure that the needs and preferences of Calgarians for arts and culture infrastructure are strategically met over the next decade. Since the last report (2007) there have been significant investments in new infrastructure from the public and private sector, including over $67M through The City of Calgary. At the same time the population of Calgary has grown and become more diverse and existing facilities have aged. The report will be available in 2018.
Arts and culture infrastructure should support the artistic and cultural aspirations of artists, the cultural sector and citizens. Arts and culture infrastructure spaces are defined broadly, as every link in the spaces “value chain” from creation space, meeting space, rehearsal space, production space, warehouse and storage space, and office space through to presentation, event, ceremonial, and performance space.
Arts and culture infrastructure can be purpose-built or renovated; it can be single use or multi-purpose; it can be used full-time or part-time; it can be indoor or outdoor; it can be traditional or non-conventional. This arts and culture infrastructure ecosystem supports all disciplines in the sector, including dance, film, literary, music, new media, theatre, and visual arts, as well as heritage and other cultural practices. It supports community and professional arts and culture and education.
Spaces can be developed and operated as for-profit or not-for-profit. Arts and culture infrastructure spaces should support the career trajectory of Calgary’s artists and cultural workers and arts and culture organizations including incubator space for emerging practices and can include affordable housing/live-work for artists and cultural workers and their families.
Report recommendations will include addressing availability of existing resources, as well as trends and opportunities to identify, plan, create, renovate, refurbish and sustain arts and culture infrastructure.
As the city’s designated arts development authority, Calgary Arts Development supports and strengthens the arts to benefit all Calgarians. We invest and allocate municipal funding for the arts provided by The City of Calgary and leverage these funds to provide additional operating resources to the arts sector.