Share your best images with us!

Share your best images with us!

Did you receive funding from Calgary Arts Development in 2022? We want to share your best images and show what a creative and vibrant arts community we have!

We are busy putting together our 2022 annual reports and we’d love to showcase photos featuring what you or your organization were up to last year. If you have any images related to the grant you received from Calgary Arts Development, that would be ideal, but if not, we would appreciate any images that represent what you do — from behind-the-scenes captures, to new work, to public presentations. These images may be used in our annual reports to city council and the community, and/or as part of a social media series looking back at 2022.

Images must be print resolution and be from 2022. We also need a caption (such as information about who or what is pictured) as well as the credit (the person who took the photo).

Interested? Send your files via email or Dropbox link by April 14, 2023 to

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