Literary Arts

A free resource for Calgary’s arts community. All content is user-submitted.

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Robert Bose author image

Robert Bose

Robert's genre-spanning fiction has been published in a variety of anthologies and his first short…Read more

Carol Parchewsky with two people in costumes

Carol Parchewsky

Carol’s writing interests span fiction, children and young adult fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction. She…Read more

A photo of Susan Forest

Susan Forest

Susan Forest writes science fiction, fantasy and horror, and is an award-winning fiction editor for…Read more

Derek Beaulieu artist headshot

derek beaulieu

Author of numerous books, derek beaulieu's work is consistently praised as some of the most…Read more

Bryan J McLean artist image

Bryan J. McLean

Bryan J. McLean is a multidisciplinary media artist, oil and mixed media painter, poet, author,…Read more

Teri Petz artist headshot

Teri Petz

Teri Petz is a photographer and videographer with an interest in poetry and theatre.Read more