Brendan Hamilton

Directory Categories: Artists & Collectives, Visual Arts


Brendan Hamilton


Brendan Hamilton

“Above all, I aim to actualize myself as an artist of life.”

I believe that as an artist, my role is to make the world a more beautiful place. Beauty can be found in any situation if only we are willing to search for it.

The process for creating my art comes from an approach of “free play”, from basic symmetrical forms and line-work, there comes the potential for simple yet infinite creation.

My relationship with each work is influenced by my Métis heritage, wherein infinite freedom from arbitrary limitations and boundaries allows me to explore beyond conventions of the status quo.

Symbolism of consciousness, the cosmos, time, music & philosophy amongst other areas of interest and my personal experiences are drawn from and composed like puzzle pieces to create works of unique pattern.

“Through my work, does my maker work through me.”

Through coherence with the curator, my work serves as a vessel for my purpose to heal, connect and progress humankind.

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