Calgary Fringe

Directory Categories: Organizations, Education, Festival, Theatre

Calgary Fringe Feature

Calgary Fringe


Phone: 403.451.9726

Calgary Fringe

The Calgary Fringe strives to support theatre artists/arts workers of all disciplines by offering opportunities that offer a hand up, not a hand out. We strive to offer Calgarians an opportunity to build community through inclusive and accessible arts programming that stress a broad-based, interdisciplinary approach to the arts. It is a welcoming community where values of equality, non-discrimination, and tolerance of diversity are appreciated and actively promoted. 100% of ticketing revenue (excluding GST and ticketing surcharges) goes back to the artist.

Core activities:

*Fringe U(niversity) – an experiential entrepreneurial programme specially designed to give emerging artists and arts workers the tools they need to become their own boss – empowering them to take control of their own futures and to create more work opportunities for themselves in the arts that they love!

*Fringe Theatre Festival – each summer for 9 days starting the Fri of the August long weekend.

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