Han Sungpil

Website: hansungpil.com

Han Sungpil

I practice art mainly by means of photography, video, and installations, covering subjects such as environmental issues, originalities, history, and the relation between the real and the represented.

My artistic interest towards environmental issues has always kept me in the loop of news on climate change ever since I started my artist journey in the 90s.
I strive to understand the world’s diversity by exploring nature and interpreting mundane worlds that have been sources of my inspiration.

I am most globally known for my façade projects, outdoor installations constructed as a veil to cover a site-specific are, amplifying the significance of its history and environments.

Representative installation works are as follows.

The installation of conceptual large photographs (size 28m x 33m) with the metaphor of unity, stability and harmony in the heart of downtown in Havana, Cuba during Havana Biennale for 2 months in 2015, showed the expansion of the work gradually. I delivered the message of world peace in 2016 through massive installations (70m x 10m) at the Demilitarized Zone where the two Koreas face each other heavily armed.

The installations of these large-scale photographs showed an expansion of expressions in which the audience can feel the environmental problem by becoming a part of the three-dimensional large-scale photographs. My installation work (60m x 5m) displayed the image of Iceland mosses in Busan, South Korea. I installed the images of melting glaciers in the Arctic, Antarctica and Alps (80mx 20m) at the alley of Ballarat, Australia in 2019. In 2019, he installed images of disappearing green areas in Fukuoka, for the project in Japan titled ‘Greentopia’ (size 80m x 6m).

Installation procedures of videos can be viewed at the following links:






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