Justin Beamish

Directory Categories: Artists & Collectives, Public Art, Visual Arts

Person sitting on ground wearing brown shirt, ball cap and baggy pants

Justin Beamish

Phone: 587.920.1005

Justin Beamish

Justin Beamish will be going into his second year, as a BFA painting major attending Alberta University of the Arts. He was born and raised in Spruce Grove, Alberta. Over the last five years, Justin has been pursuing, learning and experiencing art in new ways.

Through painting multiple murals in Parkland County and recently in Calgary, and maintaining a custom shoe-painting business, he has been able to grow as a local artist. Justin centres most of his art around the concepts of hope and unity. With colourful palettes and uplifting subject matter, his goal is to relate to others, bring hope and make people smile.

Most of Justin’s painting style consists of graffiti lettering, cartoon characters and flowers with squiggles & crosshatched shading and rendering.

During his first year of art school, Justin became a member of a new artist collective within the university called Hawak Kamay (“holding hands” in Tagalog) A collective made up of Filipino students creating art works and projects dedicated to subjects such as expressing Filipino culture, identity and addressing stereotypes. He has had the opportunity to be a part of two school-wide gallery events and display multiple pieces.

Justin is an eager artist, excited to continue learning and growing in his art and practice, from using new mediums, painting larger-scale murals and networking with experienced and up and coming local artists in Calgary and across the world.

Currently accepting mural and/or custom artwork inquires.

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