Mackinlee Bratvold

Directory Categories: Artists & Collectives, Visual Arts

Mackinlee Bratvold

I practice art for a few different reasons, the main reason and the one I think that is most important to myself as an artist is expression. Art is a wonderful medium where I am able to express my feelings and ideas without the need of words. I also practice art as inspiration for others, I value the creativity of other people and it is really awesome seeing that spark in other people to create. Art is an important aspect to our communities because it can be a lot of things, it can represent a voice, bring issues to light in a way that allows many people to understand through image. I think artists hold a responsibility to call for action against world issues, and we hold such an amazing way of being able to make a difference. Art isn’t only for awareness of issues though, it can just be something a passerby enjoys, something that can brighten up someone’s day even if just a little bit. I believe artists spread happiness as well and hold a very important role in today’s world. I value all of these in my practices and keep that in mind when I create.

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