Shruti Sharma

Directory Categories: Artists & Collectives, Visual Arts

Abstract artwork

Shruti Sharma

Shruti Sharma

Painting, for me, is a way to relax and disappear from the world into my imagination and comfort place. I find painting fun, and enjoyable, and it helps me relieve all my stress. In addition, my artworks are abstract style and visualize my imagination and inner thoughts and emotions.

I have a different creative process than others. Rather than planning my artwork, I prefer to start painting right away. I put a canvas in front of me and paint what my imagination, emotions, and thoughts want to express. However, some parts of my artwork are planned, such as the materials and colour.

My artworks are part of me that I want to convey to the people around me and the world without judgment, as well as to hope that others can connect with it and express their imagination, emotions, and thoughts just like I have through my artworks.

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