Susan Fae Haglund
My Fiber art includes materials; fabric, thread, paper, and found objects such as cutlery. Most of my work has a bird theme, I am also inspired by nature and animals, which you’ll find in my art.
The sewing machine has been one of my main pieces of equipment; hand sewing and embellishing with beads and buttons are part of the process, and Papier-mâché is another element of my art making. I incorporate linocut prints and pattern into the artwork and sometimes painting techniques.
My sculptures are meant to be tactile, two dimensional collage of shapes and patterns are part of the tactile series as well. I have taught children to sew by hand, help develop their own personal bird designs and assist in brainstorming their unique personal art piece. I have taught seniors in linocut carving and printing. Card making.
I believe that Visual art is a language of self expression, and finding the joy in having others experience the details and their personal discoveries in holding and observing my art.