CreativeCITY: Prosperity through the Creative Economy Community Engagement Summary

Reports & Research Category: Outside Research

CreativeCITY: Prosperity through the Creative Economy Community Engagement Summary

The Problem and the Potential

Despite its significant economic, social, human and environmental contributions to our region, Calgary’s creative economy is under leveraged and overlooked due to a creative ecosystem that is fragmented and inefficient. Despite this, the creative economy also offers incredible potential for positive economic, human, social and environmental impacts. In response, CreativeCITY developed a strategic framework. This framework was workshopped and reviewed by over 500 Calgarians, resulting in an updated four pillar strategic framework.

Changes to the formal strategic framework are relatively small, reflecting that overwhelmingly, feedback is supportive of the strategic framework and creative Calgarians see their concerns reflected in the goals and priorities. Crucially, the community engagement also allowed for critical counterpoints and minority perspectives to be integrated.

Download the full Community Engagement Summary.