Confidentiality Policy
Calgary Arts Development requires individuals engaged as assessors to maintain their own anonymity and the anonymity of other assessors in order to prevent the possibility of pressure being applied from grant applicants and the community that could affect assessments. This expectation of anonymity continues beyond the granting cycle to ensure individuals who serve as assessors are not subject to retribution or negative impact based on grant results, and to maintain the confidentiality of applicant information and data shared during the granting cycle into perpetuity.
All deliberations of assessors, all corporate records, and material submitted by applicants as part of their applications that are not generally available to the public shall be considered confidential. All assessors are required to safeguard such records and information from improper access and to sign and adhere to a confidentiality agreement prior to accessing any confidential information. Further information about privacy and disclosure of grant information can be found in the Privacy Policy and Disclosure of Grant Information Policy.
Calgary Arts Development will release assessor names as part of its annual Accountability Report published the subsequent year. Assessor names will be listed alphabetically, and will not be attributed to any particular program. In the case where assessors are engaged in programs that contain a verbal presentation from applicants, assessors will be introduced to applicants at the time of the presentation, before the program cycle is complete, and additional confidentiality and anonymity policies may be put in place for both applicants and assessors.
If individuals are found to have broken their commitment to this confidentiality policy, Calgary Arts Development reserves the right to remove them from the assessment process or bar them from participation in future committees.