Conflict of Interest Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy

The intention of this Conflict of Interest Policy is to ensure that all applications to Calgary Arts Development’s investment programs are assessed fairly and responsibly according to the program considerations and guidelines.

This Conflict of Interest Policy ensures that community members serving as peer assessors do not materially benefit from their own involvement in funding decisions, or unfairly influence the deliberations based on their relationships with applicants.

All assessors are required to sign a statement agreeing to fully disclose any direct or perceived conflict with any applicant to the program.

Committee members who have a potential or perceived conflict of interest will be removed from the assessment process for said applicant. The committee member will leave the room during discussion, and will not score, vote or use personal influence in the decision-making process.

Calgary Arts Development engages community assessors for the experience, knowledge and relationships they have within the arts community. Prior knowledge or relationship with an applicant does not constitute a conflict of interest on its own.

Calgary Arts Development expects a conflict of interest to be declared under any of the conditions outlined below: 

  • The assessor has applied to the program, either as a primary applicant, as an active participant in the application, or has an ongoing professional affiliation with the applicant as:
    • An artist
    • A staff member
    • A board member
    • A contractor
    • Or is involved in direct leadership, planning, or implementation activities for the application in any other capacity
  • The assessor has a direct personal relationship with the applicant such as:
    • Family members
    • Spousal or immediate personal partnerships
  • The assessor will otherwise financially or materially benefit from the success of the application.
  • The assessor feels they will be unable to fairly and productively manage personal bias in the assessment process based upon prior knowledge, privileged information or relationship with the applicant.

Potential conflicts of interest may be considered on a case-by-case basis for reasons not included in this list. If an assessor is unsure of a potential conflict of interest, they should reach out to the program specialist to discuss.

Calgary Arts Development reserves the right to remove assessors from the assessment process for specific applications or entirely if a conflict of interest has not been properly declared, or if a conflict of interest arises through the assessment process.

This Conflict of Interest Policy is accompanied by assessor Terms of Reference, Group Agreements, and a confidentiality agreement for each program, which govern the assessment process and expected conduct of assessment committees.

Contact or 403.476.2031 for more information on application assistance or to request support.

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