Indigenous Artist Microgrant

Grant Program Categories: Artists & Collectives

Indigenous Artist Microgrant

Applications closed


UPDATE May 14, 2024: All funds for this program have been allocated and applications are now closed.

Guidelines Published: February 12, 2024
Applications Open: February 12, 2024
Deadline: There is no deadline to apply. Applications are ongoing until funds are allocated (as late as August 15, 2024)
Download the Guidelines as a PDF

Brief Overview

The Indigenous Artist Microgrant provides one-time funding to First Nation, Metis and Inuit individual artists and artist collectives living and working in the Treaty 7 region working on the preservation, maintenance and revival of Indigenous culture, traditions or forms. The program supports projects related to the crafting and creation of regalia and projects related to traditional methods and forms, including mentorship, training and knowledge sharing. 

The application process, requirements and funding decision will be developed through conversation between program staff, the Indigenous Advisory and applicants and does not take place on our online granting platform. 

If you have any questions or need any help completing an application, please contact Morgan Possberg, Indigenous Program Specialist, at 

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