Community-Run Public Art Microgrant Program

Community-Run Public Art Microgrant Program

Applications closed

Update February 3, 2025: The next intake for this program opens March 5, 2025. Watch our website for more details coming soon.

July 16, 2024: Full guidelines published
July 23, 2024: Applications open
August 1, 2024: Information session
September 18, 2024: Application deadline (no applications accepted after 4:30pm MT)
September – October 2024: Evaluation of applications
Early November 2024: Notification of results
Late November 2024: Funds distributed

Recognizing that public art opportunities can come from grassroots ideas that are initiated and led by communities, Calgary Arts Development invites proposals for community-run public art projects. Running since 2021, the program is intended to promote economic revitalization in the city of Calgary. 

This opportunity is open to community-run organizations, including informal groups that define themselves in terms of distinct communities, neighbourhood associations, and non-profit organizations or charitable organizations. 

Community-run organizations in Calgary are invited to apply for funding to hire local artists and create public art in their neighbourhoods. Communities are required to team up with local artists at any level of experience to explore any form of public art in any part of the city.

Grants up to $15,000 are available for a maximum of 30 projects. Calgary Arts Development public art microgrant investment funds are provided through the Government of Alberta and The City of Calgary. We thank these funders for their generous support.

Online Information Session

The purpose of this session is to provide more information about the Community-Run Public Art Microgrant program and how to apply through our online grant application platform. It will also provide some approaches, examples and questions that might be helpful to consider when determining if you will apply and how best to do so. There will be an open Q&A at the end of the session for participants to ask any questions.

You can watch a video of the information session held on August 1, 2024 and read a transcript here.

If you are an artist with specific access needs or require translation or interpretation services, please let us know and we will arrange to make sure you have all the support and information you need to fairly access the application process. This may require booking a one-on-one session with us instead.  

If you have any questions or need help applying, please contact Alex Lingnau, Project Lead, at or 403-264-5330 ext. 110.

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