Public Art 101: Utility Box Program

Utility Box Program

Public Art 101: Utility Box Program

Are you an artist or organization interested in our Utility Box Program and bringing public art to Calgary communities? Or are you interested in applying to this program in the future?

Join us for Public Art 101: Utility Box Program on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 to learn more about this public art program, including its beginnings with the City of Calgary, the new way it’s being run by Calgary Arts Development, tips for a successful project and advice on how to connect with community groups to apply for future projects. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A and an informal networking period.

This in-person workshop is led by Dawn van de Schoot, an experienced public art project lead with Calgary Arts Development. The guest speakers are Aaron Taylor and Jennifer Curley, Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinators with The City of Calgary and artist Mary Haasdyck Vooys, who will share information about her experience creating a utility box artwork in collaboration with the Marlborough community.

Public Art 101 is a series of free professional development workshops designed for artists and members of community groups and commissioning bodies who want to learn what it takes to create a successful public art project. Workshop topics are based on requests from the community and are intended to demystify the public art process in all phases of development — applications, budgets, community engagement, fabrication and more. This is the last session until the fall of 2024, when the series will restart in a new format.

When: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 6:30pm. Learn more and register here.

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