Project Grant Program 2017

Project Grant Program 2017

The goal of the Project Grant Program is to support the creation of work that ensures citizens of Calgary continue to have access to meaningful, high-quality artistic experiences, investing in artistic projects that exemplify what our artistic community has to offer. The Project Grant is open to individual professional artists or collectives, and non-profit community or professional arts organizations.

This program offers funding through two streams:

  • Professional Artists and Collectives: Total pool $60,000 ($5,000 max request)
  • Organizations: Total pool $90,000 ($10,000 max request)

In 2017, the Project Grant Program invested $150,000 in 28 projects. During this intake, 111 applications were submitted with a total request amount of $660,368.90.

Professional Artists and Collectives
Project Name Organization/Applicant Grant Amount
Denizens May Nyitrai $493.40
PowerGrid: Human-sized sampler Kevin Stebner $1,000
The Listening Room – Artist Fees (Playwright) Michaela Jeffery $2,300
Hustle YYC Workshop Series Emmy Li $3,800
The Dream House Project Jean-Rene Leblanc $4,000
Range Roads Kyle Thomas $4,000
WRGFB (Less is More) Kyle Whitehead $4,000
Memento Mori Anna Barker $4,300
Recognition… Validation… Reassurance… Art + Mental Wellness Dick Averns $4,500
Creation and Production of Belle Paris at the West Village Theatre – October 2017 Judith Mendelsohn $4,500
Race Anonymous: Do The Math Melanee Murray-Hunt $4,700
HYDRATION Artist-in-Residence Hydration Collective $1,000
Multivision Artists of Calgary: Then, Now & In-between Exhibition (MAoC: Then, Now & In-between) Multivision Artists of Calgary $2,500
Iinisikimm…buffalo belong CZAPNO ENSEMBLE $3,500
UpRoot YYC Exhibition and Pilot Residency UpRoot YYC $4,000
Project InTandem InTandem Productions $4,600
Rez Dog Doc Stoney Nakoda AV Club $5,000


Project Name Organization/Applicant Grant Amount
Winners and Losers Chromatic Theatre $3,500
inVISIBLE Handsome Alice Theatre Foundation $9,000
Spectral Illuminations II EMMEDIA Gallery & Production Society $9,355
Snapshots: Calgary’s Queer History Fairy Tales Presentation Society $9,355
Undressed Phase 2 Workshop Ghost River Theatre $9,355
Most Imaginary Worlds development Inside Out Theatre $9,675
Missing Chapters: Untold Stories of Asian Canadian Art & Artists in Calgary Asian Heritage Foundation (Southern Alberta) $9,760
Canada Bridges’ Summer 2017 Filmmaking Camps – Discovering First Nations Stories Bridges Social Development (Canada Bridges) $10,000
Situating the Present: Indigenous Art & Canada 150 Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Alberta College of Art + Design $10,000
Underland – Calgary Premiere Old Trout Puppet Workshop $10,000

Accountability Reports and Year-End Financials

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