SpaceFinder Alberta Replacement

SpaceFinder Alberta Replacement

Calgary Arts Development is extending the deadline for its request for proposals (RFP) to assess the feasibility of replacing SpaceFinder Alberta. This tool was a valuable short-term rental space matching tool particularly for those in the arts, creative, and entrepreneurial sector.

We are looking for experts to evaluate and advise on the overall process, cost, schedule, marketing, and sources of funding to deliver a new online space-matching tool to Albertans.

We know that SpaceFinder was a useful resource that successfully connected Albertans seeking short-term space with Albertans who had space to rent. Unfortunately, the US organization that founded SpaceFinder across North America retired the platform in October 2020.

Exploring and securing a replacement online space-matching tool is important to:

  • Help animate and create vibrancy in our communities by making the most of existing real estate assets.
  • Help policy makers make better informed decisions by collecting and analyzing spaces data.
  • Help spaces support their organizations’ sustainability by renting out their spaces.
  • Help citizens live creative lives by connecting them with creative space in their communities.
  • Build strong relationships between the creative community and those in the greater community.
  • Achieve long-term impacts by contributing to the overall well being of the greater community.

We encourage all interested parties to visit our classifieds for more information and details on this request for proposals for the SpaceFinder Alberta transition plan.

The deadline for responses has been extended to January 18, 2021 at 4:00pm MT and all questions can be directed to Joni Carroll, Arts Spaces Consultant, at

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