Sustainability Framework Working Group

Sustainability Framework Working Group

Call for Letters of Interest

On July 31, 2017 City Council approved a one-time allocation of $2M to Calgary Arts Development for immediate investment in the 10 Cornerstone CompaniesIn addition to providing $2M in funds, City Council has directed Calgary Arts Development to work with the Cornerstone Companies to develop a sustainability framework, which will be reported back to City Council through the Priorities and Finance Committee no later than Q2 2018.

Calgary Arts Development invites Letters of Interest to participate in the Sustainability Framework Working Group from representatives of non-Cornerstone arts organizations who currently receive operational funding from Calgary Arts Development.

The working group will comprise representatives from Cornerstone Companies, representatives from non-Cornerstone arts organizations and representatives from civic partner agencies as needed. It will be chaired by a member of Calgary Arts Development’s leadership team and will meet a minimum of once a month from October 2017 to June 2018. Representatives from non-Cornerstone arts organizations will receive a honorarium of $50 per meeting.

The Sustainability Framework Working Group will identify the critical dimensions that both identify an arts company as a Cornerstone of Calgary and of our overall arts ecology, and contribute to the sustainability of Cornerstone companies. Findings from the Sustainability Framework will inform the process to assess existing Cornerstone companies and invite new companies to apply to the Cornerstone program in 2019.

Interested parties are invited to submit a Letter of Interest to Calgary Arts Development that addresses:

  1. Your perspective on what constitutes an Arts Cornerstone and how they relate not only to the city at large, but to Calgary’s arts ecology.
  2. What you believe are the most critical and complex challenges facing sustainability in the arts sector today.
  3. Why you want to participate in the Sustainability Framework Working Group.

Letters of Interest should be submitted no later than 4:30pm on October 16, 2017. They can be emailed to

Contact the Community Investment Team at or 403.476.2031 if you have any questions about the Sustainability Framework Working Group.

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