What’s New in our Community Directory

What’s New in our Community Directory

With the launch of Calgary Arts Development’s new website, visitors may notice slight changes to the look and feel of the Community Directory. As with the rest of the website, these changes were made to make information as accessible as possible. 

In this blog post, we discuss the purpose of the Community Directory, dive a little deeper into some of the changes and explains how to submit or update your listing! 

What is the Community Directory?

Our Community Directory is a free online resource where artists, artist collectives and organizations can submit information about who they are and what they do, putting a spotlight on themselves and their work or practice. Artists can introduce themselves with a short description, share samples of their work through photos and video, and direct people to where they can learn more and connect with the artist or organization. 

On the flip side, the Community Directory is also a resource for anyone looking to explore a roster of local artistic talent in Calgary. This can help people who are looking to work with or hire an artist or artist collective for a specific project, join an arts organization, or simply learn more about our city’s arts scene.

Updates to the Community Directory

Now nestled under News & Information, the directory features two main categories: Organizations and Artists & Collectives. Our previous Cultural Directory has been integrated as a subcategory under Organizations. 

You may also notice the absence of our Spaces directory, which was intended as a temporary solution following the shutting down of the SpaceFinder Alberta platform. We removed this feature because there are many other active websites in Calgary to help artists and arts organizations find creative space, or promote their own space. Check out our Spaces pages to learn more!  

We recently added new Public Art and Art for Social Change subcategories for artists and organizations engaged in these types of work. If you’re wondering if you or your organization fit under these categories, we define them as follows: 

Art for Social Change

Calgary Art Development in partnership Trico Changemakers Studio is working to centre artists to amplify, facilitate and grow the field of art for social change in Calgary. The Art for Social change subcategory is for practitioners who are using arts to inspire and catalyze social change — these practitioners can range from artists, to art administrators, to representatives from various organizations and communities and beyond. Read our blog post to learn more.

Public Art

Public Art is one of the most approachable forms of art because it exists in common space and is free to access. At its core, Public Art is working with an artist and a community to realize ideas in public space. The resulting artwork can be interactive; it can make use of digital technology; it can be temporary; it can be functional; it can be social; it can be a living artwork such as a garden — the possibilities are endless.  The Public Art subcategory is for artists and organizations working in the public art realm. You can learn more about Calgary Arts Development’s Public Art program here.

Submit your profile

Explore the Community Directory and submit your listing online using the form for Artists & Collectives or Organizations. Still have questions? Our newly added Community Directory FAQs are available to help you answer any questions about submitting your directory listing. 

Submit your listing information:

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