Community Directory

A free resource for Calgary’s arts community. All content is user-submitted.

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Artists & Collectives


These listings are intended for artists and organizations who base their practice inside of Calgary/Mohkinsstsis, in addition to Indigenous artists and organizations who are living and working in the Treaty 7 region. Artists and organizations that do not meet this criteria may not be posted.

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Image of painting by Debbie.lee Miszaniec

Debbie.lee Miszaniec

Debbie.lee Miszaniec creates bold, generally representational, narrative oil and acrylic paintings that explore ideological developments…Read more

Tim Westbury sculpture

Tim Westbury

Tim Westbury is a collector of several types of objects, images and materials. In his…Read more

A photo of Chris Denholm

Chris Denholm

Chris Denholm is a francophone dramatist, performer, poet, screenwriter, and emerging filmmaker.Read more

Alex Hutchison with bandmates

Alex Hutchison

Alex Hutchison and his group play original world/jazz, funk, blues and Latin. He also has…Read more

An image of abstract artwork by Chris Brooks

Chris Brooks

After the 2013 Calgary floods, Chris began exploring new materials and methods to create riverscapes.…Read more