Spaces Feature Image
Spaces that support creative uses in our communities | Graphic: Nick Heazell

In 2007, Calgary Arts Development conducted an in-depth study of cultural spaces in Calgary:

This study was in turn used to create a strategic plan for the development and expansion of cultural spaces in Calgary:

In 2012 and 2013, Calgary Arts Development approached owners and operators of arts spaces to participate in an Arts Spaces Survey. The Arts Spaces Research Consortium, led by Calgary Opera and their consultant Janis A. Barlow and Associates, used this survey to inform their report Calgary Cultural Facilities Inventory: Supplementary Research and Analysis Regarding Performance Facilities.

Please credit Janis A. Barlow and Associates and the Arts Spaces Research Consortium if you reference or use the report.

In 2016, The City of Calgary provided Calgary Arts Development with funding to update the 2007 spaces report.

Building on our Momentum: Arts and Culture Infrastructure is a document that supports the needs and preferences of Calgarians to access suitable arts and culture infrastructure over the next 10 years.

A great city has great arts and culture infrastructure. From small underground studios to grand concert halls, arts facilities are gathering places that infuse our city with colour, stories, music, beauty, surprise, understanding and humanity. Arts and culture facilities create vibrancy in neighbourhoods, they help us tell our stories, live creative lives, inspire our youth, and they draw visitors to our city.