Get Involved

Fuelling a vital, prosperous and connected city

The Calgary skyline drawn in sugar on a table with coffee cups
Living a Creative Life | Photo: Jason Stang

There are many ways to get involved with Living a Creative Life.


Do you live a creative life and believe in creating a vital, prosperous and connected city through the arts? Take the Living a Creative Life pledge.

Living a Creative Life Pledge


Do you contribute to a vital, prosperous and connected city through the arts? Become a signatory to the Living a Creative Life strategy.

Signatories are groups or organizations that contribute to one or more tactics outlined in Living a Creative Life and agree to consider the strategy’s overall framework during their own strategic planning.

Signatories also participate in shared measurement activities so that the progress of the strategy’s goals can be tracked.

Read our Signatories FAQ
See the Full List of Signatories
Fill out the Living a Creative Life Signatory Form
Tactical Plans
Success Indicator Reports

If you’re interested in becoming a signatory to Living a Creative Life, please contact Kaley Beisiegel, Engagement Consultant, at

Other ways you can get involved: