
A graphic recording from Sam Hester from the Creative Calgary Congress

The Artists

Col Cseke and Elaine Lee ask the Creative Calgary Congress to consider what happens when we focus on actions rather than conversation.Read more

A beautiful photo colour charts

#yycLCL March 2017

Graphic designer Barb Sotiropoulos creates beautiful colour charts to help eliminate the guess work when using her preferred medium—coloured pencil.Read more

A graphic recording from Sam Hester from the Creative Calgary Congress

The Community Activists

Cesar Cala and Teresa Woo-Paw ask the Creative Calgary Congress to consider how to create a more inclusive public discourse.Read more

A graphic recording from Sam Hester from the Creative Calgary Congress

The Business Guys

 Avnish Mehta and Court Ellingson ask the Creative Calgary Congress to consider what we mean when we talk about shared prosperity?Read more

Photo of Colin Smith

Colin Smith

Colin Smith shares his inspiration and quest to make our city a cleaner, more sustainable place through his work at Green Event Services.Read more

As posted on the Clothesline at the Creative Calgary Congress

The Dance Expert

Anne Flynn asks the Creative Calgary Congress to consider what happens if we start with moving together rather than talking?Read more

As posted on the Clothesline

Brian Calliou

It takes good leaders—good people—to do this sort of work and a lot of understanding of who you are as a leader, changemaker and disrupter...Read more